Tag Archives: brexit

  • Rule-Takers vs. Rule-Makers: The EU-Norway Fisheries Agreements for 2020

    One of the key arguments repeated time and again by Brexit supporters is the idea that Britain will ‘take back control of our waters’. The notion that the UK could run a completely different national policy, increase its catch by reserving all rights to fish in the UK’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to UK fishers, is a far cry from the reality of migratory fish and depleting fish stocks. 

  • Brexit: Now The Real Problems Start

    Proceeding with Brexit involves difficult choices. The Johnson deal does not “Get Brexit done”. In fact, it’s simply the end of the first, easier, and less important part – the exit arrangements. Now come the negotiations on the future relationship. It means years more wrangling, arguments and division.

  • Brexit Report February 2019

    Theresa May continues to kick the can down the road with regard to what to do about Brexit following the historic government defeat on 29 January.

  • Three Labour Remainers (in a pub)

    I recently caught up with Alex Sobel, Labour candidate for Leeds North West, and Mike Galsworthy, activist and campaigner for Scientists in the EU and recorded a video of our discussion.

  • Brexit Report January 2019

    January saw Theresa May’s Brexit deal defeated by a humiliating 230 votes which (despite her delaying tactics to try to garner support) made it the biggest government defeat in British history.

  • Why I’m Marching for a Final Say

    For the past three years, the fate of this country has been held hostage by internal ideological squabbling of the Tory Party. It’s time to let the people be heard and give them a final say on Brexit.

  • What Next in the Brexit Saga?

    There are, yet again, several possible Brexit scenarios in the weeks ahead: Johnson sits on his hands, allows the clock to tick down until the 31 October deadline, and Britain leaves the EU without a deal, despite what Johnson previously promised and despite the fact that Parliament has voted against such a chaotic and costly […]

  • The sad delusions of Brexit Party MEPs

    Knowing that they are losing the support of public opinion back home, the new Brexit Party MEPs have decided to focus their efforts on denigrating, ridiculing and demonising the institution they chose to stand for.

  • Victoria Derbyshire Show

    Interviewed by Joanna Gosling on the European election results and what this might mean for shifts in Labour Party policy.

  • Sky News Interview 9 May

    Interview with Adam Boulton on All Out Politics on Labour’s European Election manifesto.

  • Today Programme 9 May

    My interview with Nick Robinson prior to Labour’s launch of the manifesto for the European elections.

  • ‘We are bound by more than just Treaties’.

    Speaking in the final European Parliament session before the May elections, the day after the terrible blaze at Notre Dame de Paris, I reflect on President Tusk’s comments that ‘we are bound by more than just treaties’.

  • Courtesy Leo Wilkinson

    Radio Humberside Interview 11 April

    After an unpredictable few days and weeks, the EU27 and the UK have agreed to a further extension until 31 October 2018. Here I talk about what this means for our continued membership, MEP elections in May, Brexit and the increasing possibility of a confirmatory ballot.

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    BBC News Interview – Friday April 5

    Talking to BBC News about the extension of Article 50, European elections and the importance of having a confirmatory ballot on whatever deal emerges.

  • Rally against Brexit in Brussels

    Speaking to a lively crowd of Brits and other EU citizens outside the European Council building as the 28 heads of government considered the Article 50 extension request from the UK.

  • courtesy wikimedia

    Brexit and Aviation

    To be able to fly across borders, there must be an agreement in place between the countries concerned. Britain has agreements with over 150 countries. Traditionally, these are extremely restrictive, governing down to individual flight slots for specified airlines. Far and away the most permissive and enabling is what we have secured within the European Union.

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    Fisking Theresa May’s Grimsby Speech

    Theresa May gave a speech in Grimsby today ahead of the second “meaningful vote” on her Brexit deal in Parliament on Tuesday. You can read her speech, with my comments inserted, here.

  • Courtesy Wonder woman0731 Via Flickr

    What the heck happens now?

    Looking beyond Westminster procedures, government splits, and other shenanigans, there are only four possible outcomes of the Brexit saga.

  • Courtesy Arno Mikkor (EU2017EE) via Flickr

    It’s not just the backstop!

    Despite her focus on it, the “backstop” is not the main problem (if indeed it is a problem) with her deal. There are plenty of other problems with it that she wants us to ignore.

  • Courtesy Skeeze via Pixabay

    Hey UK, the EU’s watching you!

    Brexit has illustrated once again that the British press and politicians immersed in the notorious ‘Westminster bubble’ underestimate just how much their European colleagues understand them.

  • Speaking in Portcullis House

    I was invited to speak to members on the left of the political spectrum on the the possible way forward to a second referendum on Brexit.

  • Courtesy JPC

    People’s Vote Rally at Parliament Square

    Speaking at the People’s Vote rally, minutes before the meaningful vote is announced on 15 January.

  • Courtesy Guido Andolfato

    Navigating the Brexit Deadlock

    Within 24 hours of losing the ‘meaningful vote’ by an unprecedented margin, Theresa May defeated a vote of No Confidence in her government. So how does Parliament proceed?

  • Interview on Sky – 14th December

    Interviewed on Sky News alongside Charles Tannock MEP to discuss the developing situation with Brexit, as Theresa May returns empty handed from Brussels two days after the damaging no-confidence vote from her MPs.

  • Brexit Chaos Continues

    Speaking in EP on the continued Brexit chaos as Theresa May cancels the meaningful vote on the Withdrawal Agreement that she expected to lose.

  • Sky News Interview – 25 November

    On the day that the EU Council agreed the Withdrawal Agreement and the text of the Political Declaration, I was interviewed by Adam Boulton on Sky News.

  • Courtesy Pixabay

    The Political Declaration: A Wishy Washy Wish List

    After nearly two years of wrangling, more between the rival factions within her own party than with the EU, over the manner of the UK’s mooted departure, Theresa May agreed last week to an unpopular Withdrawal Agreement. Then, like a disorganised undergraduate who realises the night before that a paper is due, she hurriedly threw […]

  • Courtesy Gwenael Piaser via Flickr

    Rebutting Richard Aikens

    Richard Aikens has argued that the EU cannot succeed because it will become a federal state that most of its citizens do not want. He makes a number of assumptions and, in my view, latches on to several misconceptions, which I address in this piece.

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    Challenging false narratives about the European Union

    Speaking in the European Parliament debate on the Evaluation of the Lisbon Treaty (for which I was Rapporteur) to dispel some of the false narratives that opponents of the EU like to peddle.

  • Courtesy JPC

    Deadlock on Brexit due to paralysis inside Tory Party

    Speaking in the Conclusions of the October EC debate as the UK government misses yet another deadline, leaving only a few months remaining to negotiate any Brexit deal.

  • Courtesy Al Currie

    Brexit Not Looking Good for Farmers

    Visiting Fortshot House Farm near Wike last week I discussed a number of issues facing farmers in Yorkshire, with none more pressing than what Brexit could mean for their future.

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    The Tory’s Costly and Chaotic Brexit

    Speaking in the European Parliament debate in preparation for the next European Council meeting on 18-19 October, I point out that the Brexit being offered to the UK, including Leave voters, is not what they were told and not what many voted for.

  • Sky Interview 24th September

    Interviewed by Adam Boulton while at Labour conference.

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    Leeds For Europe

    Speaking on a panel at the Leeds for Europe event in September on why there are increasing calls for a People’s Vote.

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    EU Collaboration Crucial in Combating Cross-Border Crime

    The two Russian nationals charged by the CPS of committing the Salisbury nerve agent attack have returned to Russian, from which there is no extradition. However, the UK has already obtained a European Arrest Warrant which will ensure that the two men are brought to justice in the UK should they ever enter an EU country.

  • Courtesy Pexel

    Don’t Fall for the Decoy!

    Make no mistake: the government impact papers outlining the dire consequences of a no-deal Brexit are intended to frighten everyone into supporting a deal – any deal, if it manages to secure one. These papers are a decoy.

  • LBC Radio Interview – 27th August 2018

    Radio Interview with LBC’s Matt Stadlen on Brexit, the People’s Vote campaign and Labour’s evolving policy position. (8 minutes long.)

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    Sky News Interview 10th July 2018

    Talking to Adam Boulton on Sky News about Theresa May’s newest Brexit fudge that emerged from Chequers and prompted the resignations of David Davis and Boris Johnson.

  • Textiles and Brexit: No Silver Lining

    I recently visited the Textile Centre of Excellence in Huddersfield. Speaking with Managing Director Bill Macbeth gave a fascinating insight into the history of textiles in the region. But it also came with some worrying warnings about Brexit.

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    Interview on Daily Politics

    I was interviewed by Jo Coburn on Friday’s Daily Politics show, discussing the lack of progress with the Brexit negotiations at the crucial June European Council. 

  • Waiting for Theresa

    Whether or not the Prime Minister is having an existential crisis, the theatrics of the EU Withdrawal Bill going through Parliament cannot distract from the embarrassing fact that, yet again, she was turning up to a European Council summit with nothing to offer.

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    Government proposals for Brexit break promises to fishing industry

    Speaking in the Fisheries committee of the European Parliament on the leaked government white paper for its post-Brexit fisheries policy. They cannot deliver what was promised during the referendum campaign.

  • Football crazy, Brexit mad?

    As all eyes are fixed on the footballing world, the lingering questions over what Brexit will mean for our local football teams loom large.

  • UK government not ready to negotiate Brexit

    Two years after the referendum, the Conservative government still has not clarified its starting position for the Brexit negotiations. 

  • Short Speech in Future of Europe Debate

    Short speech during the Future of Europe debate on 30th May 2018

  • EU laws reduce red tape

    Speaking in a debate on the Better Law Making report I explain how the EU has a higher threshold than many national parliaments for introducing regulations, and how these reduce red tape across all 28 countries. Divergence creates more complexity, as the UK government is quickly discovering.

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    Interview with Core Politics on Brexit

    Discussing the Labour Party’s positions on various aspects of the ongoing Brexit negotiations – May 2018.

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    Brexit could sink the Falklands

    The Falklands and other overseas territories will be affected if we leave the EU. They were overlooked during the debate and Falkland Islanders weren’t even given a vote in the referendum. It’s time we started talking about what’s at stake.